The Queso T-Shirt Contest

Everybody has an idea for a t-shirt.  Tell us your idea and you could make some queso/money. Submit your idea and if we put it on our site you will get a $100 Queso Drops gift card and earn $5 for every t-shirt sold. Of course you can also brag to your friends about your idea/design skills.

How do you submit your idea? Just send your email to human (at) quesodrops (dot) com (hope that confuses the robots and you still understood our email address)

What do you send us?  You can send us as little as the idea in text, or more if you'd like (simple drawing, etc.)

What is a good song you can listen to when coming up with an idea? Try this -

Hey FNG - put the annoying legal text, that nobody is ever going to read, here. Thanks.